A Winter Haven
In the heart of a frosty winter day, there's a place of...
All That Glitters
This collection is not for the timid.
Denim In The Garden
denim dans le jardin I love flowers. In the Denim In The...
Good For The Soul
The Good For The Soul Collection features the things we need and...
Handcrafted Jewelry
Our jewelry collection features handcrafted pieces from artists in Kankakee County, Illinois.
Hello, Holidays!
The Hello, Holidays! Collection features holiday-themed hats. If you love decorating for...
In The Wild
A collection honoring the animal world. The beauty of it. The vulnerability...
It's Game Time!
This collection honors America's favorite pastime: watching team sports. Whether it be...
Let's Ride!
This collection is all about bikes. Lots more to come!
Love Is Love
That nothing here is promised, not one day. And love is love is...
Painter of Life
“Your life is a beautiful blank canvas. You have the choice of...
Palmer Adams Millinery Gift Card
Give the gift of handcrafted.
Sowing Seeds
To plant a garden is to believe in tomorrow. -- Audrey Hepburn...
The Power of Plaid
Always in style. Always a statement.
Wherever You Go
"Wherever you go becomes a part of you somehow." -- Anita Desai,...