A New Year
A fresh start, as it's said. New Year, New Goals.
I always start the new year off by reflecting on the past year and making plans for the new year in my personal life and in my professional life. Palmer Adams Millinery will celebrate three years in business in February, and I will write more extensively about that in a blog post next month. For now, I want to offer a preview of first quarter studio plans. I will be adding a few more hats to the winter collection and then begin working on a gorgeous new spring collection. I am always learning new techniques, and I can't wait to share new hats with my hat lovers.
Be sure to follow Palmer Adams Millinery on Instagram for the latest additions to the shop and a glimpse at my process.
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A Winter Haven
In the heart of a frosty winter day, there's a place of...

Hello, Holidays!
The Hello, Holidays! Collection features holiday-themed hats. If you love decorating for...